MEMS manufacturing is a key enabler for the production of advanced sensors and actuators used in such applications as IoT, wearables, autonomous vehicles, robotics, digital health, precision agriculture, smart home, environmental monitoring, and many others.

According to MEMS Journal research, the MEMS market will reach an “inflection point” in the 2018-2019 time frame which will change the economics of production to dramatically reduce costs and, therefore, significantly increase the utilization of MEMS devices throughout major industrial segments.

Given this “inflection point” and sharp reduction in production costs, can the MEMS market grow to $100 billion and 1 trillion MEMS devices per year by 2025? We believe this can happen. Already, the MEMS market has been one of the few “shining stars” among its peers in the overall semiconductor market sector, and the economy on the whole. Currently, the total market for MEMS devices is around $11-12 billion per year and it is expected to grow at 12 to 15% for the next few years

Consequently, Cti has being developed products such as patterned masks for MEMS, black matrix blanks, patterned thick resist for electro-plating,  Anti-scratch coating process for mask and glass mold applications.

■ Patterned masks for MEMS
■ Blank using black matrix
■ Patterned thick resist for electro-plating
■ AF coating techniques for mask and glass mold applications.